Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Dispatch From the Jedi Academy of Memorial City to the Government of Lichen and the Civilized World

Concerning Recent Events


Since the colonization of Gilead twenty-five score years ago, it has long been suspected that some remnant of life has survived outside of our beloved new homeworld. Recently, we have been given confirmation of this fact via visitation from an outside ship. It is unknown at this time what the intentions of these visitors are, but rest assured, your Jedi Academy has convinced them to leave this planet, along with a brave contingent of explorers who will investigate the state of affairs off-world. Should they survive and return, we will greet them and discover what they know.

However, while our hope is for prosperity in the galaxy at large, the Jedi Academy wishes to make it perfectly clear that It's intention is to keep Gilead OUR HOMEWOLRD. We will not willingly accept integration by off-worlders, and though we will not choose to stop anyone who wishes to leave, we will protect those who wish to stay and keep things the way they are. We are prepared, as we are sure you are, to defend our planet with our lives, if need be, for the sake of all Gileadians who value their society.

Undoubtedly, the recent discovery of life outside of Gilead has permenantly changed our outlook on life. BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO CHANGE THE WAY WE LIVE IT. The Jedi Academy is here to protect you. Long may Gilead live and prosper in peace.

Brother Matthias
7th month 531

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