We left on a ship (some sort of wooden construct) named the Foamrunner and captained by a bothan named Jessup. I am sharing a cabin with Flash, Dish - an ithorian from our clan who has become a Jedi, and Shem - Dish's human jedi companion. The first night there was some discussion as to whether or not to sail straight there and risk pirates and rough water, or take a secure route that would add 2 weeks to the trip. A vote was cast and we are going straight there.
Later that evening the ship was attacked by what Jessup called a "Sea Cat".

After Flash lost his footing, we engaged the creature. Flash, Jessup, Dish, and the group leader Laserus attacked along with 3 soldiers. The soldiers pointed metal tubes at the sea cat and made clicking noises that seemed to have no effect (they claimed later that their "powder" had gotten wet). My quarterstaff had plenty of effect though, and after Jessup, Laserus, and I softened it up we allowed Dish to finish the creature for his self esteem.
A few days later we docked at a place called Tourmaine, a hot smelly collection of human and bothan dwellings. At Dish's suggestion we left the ship (Flash, Dish, Shem, and I) for "shore leave" and wound up at a place that serves "sea cat sandwiches" and "bannana soda". I am fairly certain that the bannana soda was a poisoning attempt. Overhearing a conversation, Dish approached a suspicious human who offered to take us to Jethro, a local Jedi. We accepted. Dan, and his buddy Stan, took us to Jethro's house where Jethro drew a strange weapon called a "blaster" on Shem. A fight ensued. Jethro was a difficult opponent, and Shem was greviously wounded by Jethro's blaster (I had to heal him), but we were victorious and slew Jethro, Stan, and Dan.
Session: 1
Session XP: 840
Present: Daniel, Jake, Ben
Vanquished: 1 sea cat (3.5 MM), Jedi Jethro, Stan, Dan
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