Leaving the defeated Jethro tied up, we searched his house. In one of the rooms we found a strange sight. There was a human dressed in oddly shiny clothing and a large furry beast bending over some metal pieces that were laid out on a table. The beast was humanoid, and my first thought was that it was some sort of furry mutant, and that the bothans were breeding a mutant army. It's visage was disturbing.

Dish determined that they were not hostile. The beast made some weird animal noises, and the human talked oddly, but strapped to the beast's back was a steel war mask that could talk a

nd was very intelligent. It appears that they are survivors from the crashed starship and are trying to repair their craft. Jethro was then interrogated; he is helping the offworlders and attacked us because he does not trust the intentions of the Jedi Academy. A device was presented by Jethro, which he had stolen, which is some sort of record keeping device called a holocron. I have confiscated this device. Through conversation with the holocron and the offworlders much of our history and beliefs have been called into question. The tenants of the Jedi Academy in particular seemed to be very different from the Jedi elsewhere, which Dish found very disturbing. I asked the offworlders what they were doing near our planet and they replied that they were hit by a meteor while transporting cargo.

The group, Jethro now included, broke into a local smith and stole some iron sheets to repair the ship with. We then took a weird chariot, called a "speeder", and headed to the crash site. During the trip I began studying the holocron, from which I learned to be an excellent pilot. Upon arriving at the crash site, bitterly cold in the southern pole, we discovered that the hated Gotal Monarchy had arriv

ed first. We fought the Gotals, and some strange ice and rock creature that they had with them. After I wounded one Gotal, Flash was able to finish it off, and Dish dispatched another. The furry beast (who is apparently called a "Wookie") managed to kill a Gotal, and we all then attacked the ice monster. It put up a struggle but was quickly brought down. The ship was ours at that point. The wookie began repairing the damage while the rest of us explored. Jacob (the offworlder human) gave us some food from Ithor, our home planet. It was delicious. In the cargo hold are two boxes that are locked tight. Neither offworlder will tell us what is in these boxes, but we didn't press the issue. Now that I am an expert pilot, I sat down in the pilot chair to fly the ship. Unfortunately the controls were faulty some how and what should have been a graceful take off was instead a horrific grinding noise. Finally the Iron War Mask, now attached to an iron torso with arms, was strapped into the pilot chair and was able to get the craft to fly. I can only imagine that it had some way of understanding the brokenness of the controls; the Iron War Mask has proved to be very wise and knowledgeable. The ship was flown to rendezvous with the Foamrunner, and Dish discussed some Jedi things with the others of his order. We have now decided to accompany the offworlder human, the Iron War Mask, and the Mask's wookie mount out into the stars.

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