We have incorporated privately under my name. The company's name is Ahab Inc. Our ship's name was also changed from the Lachme to the Pequod. All this was with the aid of a very bribe-able aqualish named Zavorkus who works on Coruscant. Zavorkus gave us the name of a fellow Aqualish on Correlia who could help us get a "special" arrangement with the Correlian National Bank.
Dish finally returned from the Jedi temple with two Jedi in tow; an Ithorian and a Wookie. The Wookie seems to be a Jedi of some note. Dish informs us (without consulting us) that these Jedi will be escorted to Gilead by us. Our Wookie agreed (again without consulting me, the owner, or Jacob, the captain). We decided to take a few detours first.
First we headed to Correllia, where we met with Zavorkus's friend Bangulor. Bangulor helped us make a "special" arrangement with the Correllian National Bank, and recommended a ship dealer named Gygax (a verpine).
Our plan is to buy a second ship and hire a crew to take care of the previous captain's old trade route, while we establish a route to Gilead. Then we will hire a third ship and crew to handle the new trade with Gilead, while we take care of "odd jobs".
Gygax proved to be a gold mine. He had multiple ships that were highly modified. We purchase one of his ships (on credit) and found a crew. Our furry companion continued to take the lead
and issue the orders- making preemptive decisions. This could prove to be a problem. He may see me as just a figurehead; a name for legal documents. Very well. I will allow the fantasy. He should realize that this paperwork is legally binding and he does not have any hard claim to anything, not that I can't take away. We will have to see if an accord can be reached, or if Ahab Inc will no longer require his services at some future date.

Having purchase the new ship and hired the new crew, we headed off towards Ithor. Our Jedi passengers questioned why we were not going straight to Gilead; we explained that we were going to be doing the job the Jedi Council posted, running goods through the Sith blockade around Ithor, on the way to Gilead. Then we arrived in the Ithor System.

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